Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vanishing Honeybees

It seems that, inexplicably, honeybees from all parts of the country are vanishing. This article from The New York Times says that "bee losses are ranging from 30 to 60 percent on the West Coast, with some beekeepers on the East Coast and in Texas reporting losses of more than 70 percent; beekeepers consider a loss of up to 20 percent in the offseason to be normal."

While this may seem like one of those "bizarre" stories you see from time to time, consider this:
"A Cornell University study has estimated that honeybees annually pollinate more than $14 billion worth of seeds and crops in the United States, mostly fruits, vegetables and nuts. “Every third bite we consume in our diet is dependent on a honeybee to pollinate that food,” said Zac Browning, vice president of the American Beekeeping Federation. "

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